How do you keep people safe and the world open in light of the Covid-19 pandemic? Get vaccinated and stay current with a booster shot. At Pfizer, the leader in the world of vaccination, it was and is a top priority and the reason we were charged with helping get the word out. The campaign effort, inclusive of TV, OLV, Social, Print, Experiential, and PR was developed to help spread the word.
Pfizer Open (Essence)
Pfizer Vigilant
Pfizer Peaceful State
COVID-19 VACCINATION BRANDING Redefining the Pfizer Covid-19 work also meant working within the brand guidelines to evolve the branding and properly establish Prizer graphically as a leader in the Covid-19 vaccination space. Below are some examples of the work done for this design initiative from understanding the existing elements to design implementation across all assets.
Most cancer patients are hungry for something—anything—that can give them a sense of control. That was the insight behind this campaign for men with metastatic prostate cancer. For these men, genomic testing can reveal new, more-targeted treatment options, so they can “flip the script” and push back against cancer. Check out the website here: The success of this campaign led to a similar effort for women with advanced ovarian cancer. Print Website Design Social OOH
In the lives of the families it touches, peanut allergy is ever-present, like a dark cloud, affecting every day and certainly every meal. That’s why the arrival of Palforzia is so big. So transformative. So life altering. A once-in-a-lifetime advancement that puts it in truly special company.
Palforzia Print + Poster
Dengue fever is one of the fastest growing epidemics of our time. Each year, up to 528 million people are infected. With cases in Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Western Pacific, the disease is now spreading to Europe and the US. We developed a wholistic campaign to raise awareness of the threat as well as provide tools to repel the source of dengue fever: the mosquitoes themselves.
Posters / Website / Phone App
Print + Poster
Digital : Mosquito Repellant App
Going “Cold Turkey” on cigarettes can be difficult, especially when one is faced with nicotine withdrawals. That why we launched the “Slow Turkey” campaign for Chantix (Pfizer). Chantix is a nicotine-free oral medication that is prescribed to smokers who are interested in quitting cigarette smoking and can smoke right up to their quit date vs going cold turkey and maybe not being successful.
"Slow Turkey" Web/TV/Content
"Slow Turkey" Website + Mobile
This emotionally and intellectually powerful campaign garnered over 6,000,000 views within the first three months of its launch and is based on the benefits medicines bring to today’s patients, the importance of today’s and tomorrow’s innovative research and the perseverance of industry researchers.
Every day, thousands of biopharmaceutical researchers and patients go boldly to fight the odds to unearth cutting-edge medicines and cures. Which is why we launched an effort to salute their sheer will and tenacity.
Logo Design / TV / Pre-Roll / Website / Rich Media / Social / Web Content
America's Biopharmaceutical Companies Logo Design
"Do Not Go Gentle" TV/Web
Launch Print Newspaper/Magazine
"Cells/Cancer" TV/Web
"Cells/Death" TV/Web
"Cells/The End" TV/Web
Cells Print Magazine/Newspaper
"New World" TV/Web
America's Biopharmaceutical Companies Digital/Content (click here) website
Go Boldly Mobile/Content
"Alzheimer's Disease" Web/TV/Content
"Breast Cancer" Web/TV/Content
"Cancer" Web/TV/Content
"ALS" Web/TV/Content